California Lemon Law Expert


Scott Law Group P.C. can help you if you own or lease a motor vehicle that the manufacturer has been unable to repair.

Did you know? – If your vehicle is a lemon, I can force the manufacturer to buy-back your vehicle with a refund of all…

  • License And Registration Fees
  • All Past Monthly Payments, Including Down Payment
  • Repair Costs
  • Towing Costs
  • Out-Of-Pocket Expenses
  • You May Even Be Entitled To A Civil Penalty

Consumers often want to know how to determine whether they have a lemon law claim. The short answer to that question is, it’s complicated.

I have years of relevant training and experience that allow me to make that determination. Rather than have you try to figure it out for yourself, give me a call and lets talk it through. I want to hear your story. More importantly, I want to help you. If I can, I will. Allow me that opportunity.

I have a few specific words of caution. Do not get hung up on the “30-day,” “2 or more times,” “4 or more times,” “safety,” “18 month,” and “18,000 mile” rules. These are rules that provide very broad guidelines, and there are countless exceptions to them. Not a single one of these rules has to apply to your car in order for it to qualify as a lemon. Even used cars can qualify under the lemon law.

If your car, for some reason, does not qualify under the lemon law, there may be something about the sale of the car that was fraudulent. I have the training and experience to spot fraud as well.

How Do I know if I have a new/used car fraud claim?

If you believe that you have been a victim of fraud, then give Scott Law Group P.C. a call. Car fraud comes in all sorts of forms. Ask yourself the following: